Breast Cancer Awareness Month, observed during October, presents many opportunities to acknowledge patients and survivors as well as opportunities to remind women to schedule their regular screening. The world lights up in pink, the color of the breast cancer ribbon, and shares…
Every mother knows that breastfeeding can be a challenge. Mothers often face sore nipples, plugged ducts, engorgement, and a long list of other painful experiences. However, those who can breastfeed will reap health benefits for both mother and baby – some that…
No single food can protect you against cancer by itself.
But research shows that a diet filled with a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, and other plant foods helps lower the risk for many cancers. In laboratory studies, many individual minerals,…
Did you know that cancer patients have a high risk of oral and dental complications?
It is no secret that chemotherapy, radiation, and other cancer treatments are often accompanied by a variety of mild to severe side effects. Many of these side effects…
It is no secret that a healthy and balanced diet can greatly improve one’s health. Studies suggest that following a healthy diet could prevent 30-50% of all cancers.
As the warmer weather slowly sneaks up, so do some bad summer eating habits. Summer grilling is…
No matter who you are or where you live, everyone can benefit by following one simple rule: eat more vegetables! But is juicing also beneficial? To keep it simple, the Asian Fund for Cancer Research has broken down some myths and spelled…
Which cancers are related to alcohol usage?
The more alcohol one drinks, the higher their risk of cancer. Alcohol intake has been proven to be directly correlated with cancers of the mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum, and of course, breast. It…
Though there is not yet a 100% effective way to prevent all types of cancer, there have been amazing discoveries regarding ways in which certain foods can aid in prevention. Carrots have long been in the public eye as an excellent way…
Living a healthy life can be challenging when there are seemingly endless fad diets, do’s and don’ts, celebrity tips, and kitchen hacks. It can all seem a little overwhelming. The truth is that being healthy is not as difficult or restrictive as…
Research shows that a compound in brussels sprouts may help restrict tumor growth by blocking aggressive enzymes known to advance cancer growth. The enzymes weaken the genes that suppress tumors and keep them from spreading. This compound found in brussels sprouts allows…